Your move, creep…

Sometimes, I get confused about whether I’m reading the news or I’ve accidentally clicked  The Onion’s website by mistake.

Glancing at Reddit today, I came across this gem – the city of Pontiac, Michigan appears to have been privatised.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Anybody disagree with the new plan? No? Great...

See,  “Robocop” was set in Michigan, so the image kind of makes sense?  No?  Just me then…

Not to come over all European and abhorrently progressive, but is it really a good idea to let an unelected private sector guy come in and start slashing costs left and right, even in a global economy as well and truly buggered as the planet’s currently appears to be?

The last time that I looked, running local government and trying to make a profit for your stockholders are two quite different things and never the twain will meet.  It’s hard to see how firing a bunch of civil servants, cutting local services to the bone and screwing over taxpayers is helping anybody other than the private contractor in charge of the whole process (who is presumably on some sweet, performance-related pay incentive to get things profitable again).

But then, isn’t that what this appears to be all about – bringing the private sector into public services and making a bunch of money for people whilst ensuring that the rest of us get well and truly shafted?

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Filed under Films, Geekery, Random Notes

One response to “Your move, creep…

  1. Summit10

    classic hehehe 🙂 nice one! There are words spreading that they will revive the franshise…I hope it works!

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