Tag Archives: Charlie Hunnam

“Pacific Rim” viral ad and mech blueprints online

Giant. Fracking, Robots.

Deliciously bonkers fantasy auteur Guillermo Del Toro‘s giant Mechs versus alien monsters pic, Pacific Rim won’t be with us until next summer but the advance marketing has begun.

Only attractive people get to ride these rigs…

Ahead of the first proper trailer, scheduled to hit in front of “The Hobbit” in a matter of days, comes a blitz of Mech blueprints for the giant Jaeger robots defending us from certain annihilation at the tendrils and claws of the alien menace laying siege to Earth.  There’s also a fancy-schmancy faux-news clip available to look at – if you like quick cuts and disorienting, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them images, go ahead and fill your boots.

Loving the scale in the blueprint above – that’s a wee human pilot standing at the foot of his/her ride.  Wonder what kind of fuel efficiency those things get?

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Filed under Films, Geekery, Movie Trailer

Giant Fracking Robots – first “Pacific Rim” poster online

Image via NeoGaf.com

Yes, the Summer movies of 2012 haven’t finished unspooling yet – we still have “The Dark Knight Rises“, “The Bourne Legacy“, “The Expendables 2” and, if the weather gets warm enough and I really need some air conditioning in a hurry, the “Total Recall” remake to look forward to – but it’s never too early to look forward to next summer.

To the likes of “Iron Man 3”, “Star Trek 2”, the next “Fast & Furious” and Superman reboot, “Man of Steel“, many a discerning nerd will be anxious to see Guillermo Del Toro‘s deeply artistic and emotionally resonant take on the Giant, Ass-Kicking Mech Robots genre, “Pacific Rim”.

Idris Elba, looking absolutely bad ass in “Pacific Rim”. Not that this is news, frankly…

I’m hoping for this to give one of the best living film makers out there a huge platform and the blockbuster hit which he really deserves – if the notion of the director of “Pan’s Labyrinth” and “Hellboy” doing a massive summer sci-fi pic and bringing his unique level of strange and beautiful vision to it isn’t exciting on several levels to you, there may be no hope for you.



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