Tag Archives: Adam Baldwin

Team Awesome…

The internet just imploded. Yeah, that happened...

Oh, corporate synergy – when you facilitate this meeting of the minds, you can be as cynical and profit-hungry as you like.

ABC – who make ace Nathan Fillion-em-up, “Castle” – clearly got the order from corporate sibling Disney that some cross-promotion for the upcoming “Avengers” would be desirable.

And rather than go the utterly shameless route that Fox did when shoe-horning the release of “Avatar” into a 2009 episode of the Fox procedural drama, Bones (a large part of that episode took place amidst the nerdy horde queuing camping outside a movie theatre waiting for James Cameron‘s sci-fi epic to open), the good people at “Castle” elected to have Robert Downey Jnr and Nathan Fillion have a wee chat and big-up Marvel’s putative superhero blockbuster to the ABC demographic.

So, boo-hiss to evil marketing!  Evil marketing wrong! Boo!  Now that I’ve made my inner Naomi Klein happy, can we talk about how awesome Downey Jnr is, how genius Nathan Fillion is and why this blatant slice of corporate back-rubbing is actually rather charming, in fact?

I like my marketing to have at least the vaguest implication of wit, so this unobtrusive and mercifully brief synergistic pow-wow did all the right things for me.  I won’t go as far as iO9 did today and playfully infer that Downey’s presence is a coded tease for Fillion being cast as Hank Pym in a future Marvel flick – be not proud, Movie Casting Power Brokers! Make it happen! – but I will delight in it nonetheless.

Plus, that thing with the hair, yeah?  Sweet!

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