Tag Archives: Diane Lane

Hirsute “Man of Steel” trailer defies snark, loves Malick

Gritty, crime-ridden mean streets? Check.

Great news, everyone – there’s now a proper trailer for the 2013 blockbuster perhaps best described as “Terrence Malick‘s Kryptonian Reverie'”

We had a first look at Zack Snyder, David Goyer and Christopher Nolan‘s “Superman” reboot, “Man of Steel” in the summer  this year when a brief, impressionistic first look was attached to prints of Nolan’s “Batman” trilogy-capper,  “The Dark Knight Rises“.  As we near the end of 2012, and next summer’s action extravaganzas are beginning to make their play for our eyes and ears, it’s no surprise that Warner Brothers have placed Krypton‘s last son front and centre with this 2 minute and twenty seconds trailer due to play before “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” from Thursday.

That Malick comparison won’t yet abate, as the imagery in the first part of the trailer which Snyder has chosen in collaboration with cinematographer Amir Mokri clearly evokes the bucolic world visuals which have become integral to Malick’s past few films.

A nice way of saying, perhaps, that it all looks very pretty and scenic for the first minute of the trailer, with the once and future Supes coming of age, developing his remarkable Kryptonian abilities and growing up into brooding, beardy boy-next-door, Henry Cavill.   The more impatient viewer might begin to drum their fingers at this point and wonder where the flipping action got to.

Big S

As is by magic, this is roughly when we bear witness to the Superman that we might reasonably expect to turn up – the alien champion of our planet, replete with redesigned uniform, super strength, gift of flight and moral compass set approximately to ‘Boy Scout’ (not that this is a bad thing, in my book – I’ve always been more of a Superman fan than a Batman devotee when it comes to DC heroes).

After doing a very reverent and perhaps underrated job of bringing “Watchmen” to the screen, it’s nice to see director Snyder getting to stage huge action sequences and not have to apologise for cutting loose with all of the toys at Warner Brothers’ disposal – this is a summer movie with $225 million to play with, so you can imagine just how eye-popping some of these quick-cut, slam-bang action moments are going to be in the end product.

Not that there was ever going to be any doubt that I would be going to see this film, but the trailer does a pretty good job of convincing me that my money will be well spent come next summer’s IMAX engagement…


Filed under Films, Geekery, Movie Trailer

Wrath of the Titians

If you’ve been blogging for a while and take a look at how people searching online reach your site, you will no doubt have more than your fair share of ‘They searched for THAT and found me?’ results in your blog’s dashboard area.


Hence this post, inspired by some optimistic fellow seeking “Rosamund Pike Wrath of the Titians”.  Conjures an interesting picture doesn’t it?  They were, of course, seeking Rosamund in this Spring’s sequel “Wrath of the Titans“, but they did at least have a fighting chance of reaching my blog or finding a lovely image of the charming Ms Pike in her most recent film role.

As interesting are the bonkers results – “Sandra Bullock in Judge Dredd” comes to mind.  Clearly somebody conflating Sandy Bullock in the Stallone vehicle Demolition Man with the not exactly dissimilar Diane Lane in the 1995 Stallone “Judge Dredd” and perhaps telling us a little more than Stallone might want to know about how unique and memorable some of his back catalogue is to the casual viewer?

Regularly top of my stats?


I get a 100 to 200 searches every week for the Fantastic Four, who I’ve only posted about once, in relation to the putative Josh Trank reboot of the franchise that Twentieth Century Fox are quite eager to get underway.  I’m not running a web hub for the perpetually bickering, Doctor Doom-thwarting Marvel superheroes, I don’t post regularly about them, but who can refuse that level of traffic?

Or is it just lusty Jessica Alba fanboys skewing things?  Who can say?

My favourite, utterly barking search result?  This one.

I know, right?  Somebody thought of that and ended up clicking through to me, I assume for my sterling coverage of Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch‘s careers.  Or they’re just into tall dudes.  Takes all kinds of folks, I guess…


Filed under Blogs, Films, Geekery