Tag Archives: Hawkeye

“Avengers” pixel-semble!

8-Bit nerdery genius Via XStitchMyHeart and The Mary Sue

Avengers-inspired craft geek goodness so awesome that it nearly kicked the butt of Sunday’s “Iron Man 3” SuperBowl trailer.  The creativity and wit of the greater internet nerd community never fails to amaze, does it?

There’s yet more – 8-bit sprite Harry Potter cast for the win, peeps!- at Cross Stitch My Heart’s Etsy shop.


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02/05/2013 · 6:54 pm

BraveHawk? BraveEye?


via Cherry Garcia on Tumblr (and the SFX Spurious Awards)

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George R R Martin reviews “The Avengers”

A quickie – I thought that you might find George R R Martin’s thoughts on “The Avengers” worth reading.

He’s clearly a comics fan with some knowledge of the team and its historical dynamics, so his criticisms (when they come) are quite fair and balanced.

Fair and balanced criticism on the internet?  How does that work again?

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Filed under Films, Geekery

“Avengers” Super Bowl teaser – assembled.

Hyped yet? Me, too.

It turns out that sport is good for something after all – who knew?

This Sunday’s Super Bowl featured many well-paid, overly padded men hitting one another (one word, boys – ‘rugby’) and much fuss and consternation about professional controversalist MIA shocking America by flipping the bird during Madonna’s half-time show (did anybody honestly not expect her to try to be the centre of attention?).

Yet the most interesting things to me about the Super Bowl are the absurdly expensive and deliberately positioned teaser trailers for summer blockbusters – this year saw 30 second spots advertising Disney’s “John Carter”, Universal’s “Battleship” and Relativity‘s awful looking actioner, “Act of Valor”, whose sole selling point appears to be that it stars real Navy SEAL members.   Yep, that’s one film which will definitely do well outside the US.

The fraught task of single-handedly erasing the bad after-taste of the latter trailer, then, fell to Marvel’s “The Avengers”.

Imagine if Richard Branson had one of these suits - we'd never see the end of it.

It was, quite predictably, a riot of colour, crashes, bangs and mayhem – a paroxysm of superheroic shenanigans and one-liners (“We have a Hulk”), cities in fire and iconic Avengers united on-screen for the first time.

Now, this is how you do patriotic action...

I can understand that a lot of fans of Thor, Captain America and Iron Man have felt that their individual movies didn’t serve their characters well and acted as feature-length trailers for a team-up project which didn’t have the same value for them as a solo outing for Tony Stark or Steve Rogers would have done.   I can appreciate that this would be irksome but the seven-year old nerd in me looks at this trailer and can’t wait for the end of April to roll around (May 4th in the US per this trailer).

Joss Whedon? Likes his hero shots? Surely some mistake?



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Filed under Films, Geekery, Movie Trailer, Spoiled!